"utf-8" = ""
"8bit" = ""
" (Autoresponder)" = ""
" + " = ""
" - Email: " = ""
" Day Bounces Trend" = ""
" Day Mailing Trend" = ""
" Day Subscription Trend" = ""
" Day Unsubscription Trend" = ""
" Days" = ""
"# Messages Sent" = ""
"# of Subscribers" = ""
"$total subscribers have been removed" = ""
"%d Bounced Addresses" = ""
"%d Confirmed" = ""
"%d Messages Sent Today" = ""
"%d Messages in Queue" = ""
"%d Not Confirmed" = ""
"%d Signups Today" = ""
"%d Subscribers" = ""
"%d Total Messages Sent" = ""
"%d messages out of %d messages sent." = ""
"%d%% Complete" = ""
"%d%% of preparation completed." = ""
"%s out of %d subscriber(s) removed" = ""
"%s subscriber(s) added" = ""
"'.$text.'" = ""
"(Required)" = ""
"(Will display addresses and options)" = ""
"* Title = Text to put next to field. IE: Country" = ""
"*Optional Redirection Pages - Further Information" = ""
"1) Admin User not found;" = ""
"1) Saving Message Information" = ""
"1) User not found;" = ""
"1-2-All" = ""
"15 Most Popular Links - Pie Graph" = ""
"2) Preparing Subscriber Info" = ""
"2) You are trying to delete a user who cannot be deleted ('admin' or your account);" = ""
"2) You are trying to delete an Admin User who cannot be deleted ('admin' or your account);" = ""
"2005 ActiveCampaign,Inc. All rights reserved." = ""
"2006 ActiveCampaign,Inc. All rights reserved." = ""
"3) Optimizing & Preparing To Send" = ""
"3) You do not have privileges to delete Admin Users." = ""
"3) You do not have privileges to delete users (you are not Absolute Admin)." = ""
"30 Day Bounce Trend" = ""
"30 Day Mailings Trend" = ""
"30 Day Subscription Trend" = ""
"30 Day Unsubscription Trend" = ""
"A messages sending can stall for a number of reasons:" = ""
"A new list has been created with these users" = ""
"A test email has been sent" = ""
"Ability schedule mailings?" = ""
"Ability to Generate HTML Form Code" = ""
"Ability to block subscribers" = ""
"Ability to change double opt in/out" = ""
"Ability to personalize mailings" = ""
"Ability to re queue mailings?" = ""
"Ability to upload attachments" = ""
"Ability to upload images" = ""
"Ability to use link tracking and open/read tracking" = ""
"Ability to use templates" = ""
"Absolute admin user always has all needed permissions." = ""
"Acceptable File Formats" = ""
"Account Details" = ""
"Account Lookup" = ""
"Action" = ""
"Activation code is incorrect. Click check for updated licenses at the bottom of this page." = ""
"Active" = ""
"Add A List" = ""
"Add A New Sub-User" = ""
"Add A New Top-Level User" = ""
"Add Admin" = ""
"Add Admins" = ""
"Add Condition" = ""
"Add Custom Header" = ""
"Add Email or IP" = ""
"Add Field for List "%s"" = ""
"Add Header/Footer" = ""
"Add Hook " = ""
"Add List" = ""
"Add New Responder" = ""
"Add New" = ""
"Add POP Account" = ""
"Add Plugin " = ""
"Add Subscriber Details" = ""
"Add Template" = ""
"Add a Checkbox" = ""
"Add a Dropdown" = ""
"Add a Hidden Field" = ""
"Add a Radio Button(s)" = ""
"Add a Text Box" = ""
"Add a Text Field" = ""
"Add a new custom filter" = ""
"Add a new filter based on e-mail addresses" = ""
"Add absolute user to 1-2-All" = ""
"Add addional sub-licenses (user licenses) or change your installation recently?" = ""
"Add email addresses or IP addresses you want to block." = ""
"Add email addresses to UNSUBSCRIBED list instead of subscribed list." = ""
"Add to Subscriber List?" = ""
"Add to list" = ""
"Add" = ""
"Additional Fields To Request" = ""
"Additional Information" = ""
"Address" = ""
"Addresses that had duplicates include:" = ""
"Admin Area" = ""
"Admin Home Page" = ""
"Admin Info has not been updated. Please, try again later." = ""
"Admin Settings > Mail Configuration Wizard " = ""
"Admin Settings" = ""
"Admin User %s has been added." = ""
"Admin User \"%s\" added from the global users list." = ""
"Admin User could not be added from the global users list. Probable cause is: Absolute User does not exists." = ""
"Admin User not deleted. Reasons can be:" = ""
"Admin Users not in 1-2-All" = ""
"Admin Users" = ""
"Admin not added." = ""
"Admin successfully deleted." = ""
"Administrator List Settings" = ""
"Advanced Options" = ""
"Advanced" = ""
"All Fields" = ""
"All URLS must be the FULL URL." = ""
"All fields are required when selecting POP account." = ""
"All fields are required. Please try again" = ""
"All of your user spots are currently filled. To add more visit support." = ""
"Allow duplicates" = ""
"Amount of messages to send per process. (Suggested = 15)" = ""
"Amount of time allowed per sending process. (Suggested = 4)" = ""
"An e-mail address is flagged when it is found to have bounced. Every time that e-mail address bounces, the system keeps track of the flags. Upon being flagged 3 times, the e-mail address is removed from the system. The amount of flags before removal may be modified." = ""
"Analyzing the message progress. Please hold..." = ""
"Analyzing your data..." = ""
"And" = ""
"Any questions may be sent to our mailing list admin at" = ""
"Apr" = ""
"April" = ""
"Archive / Stats" = ""
"Archive" = ""
"Are you sure that you would like to force requeue this mailing?" = ""
"Are you sure that you would like to force stop this mailing?" = ""
"Are you sure that you would like to remove this Administrator?" = ""
"Are you sure that you would like to remove this Field?" = ""
"Are you sure that you would like to remove this message?" = ""
"Are you sure you want to remove the mailing list?" = ""
"Ask for reason for unsubscription" = ""
"Attach Files" = ""
"Attached files" = ""
"Attachments allowed per mailing" = ""
"Attachments" = ""
"Attempting database connection..." = ""
"Aug" = ""
"August" = ""
"Auto Responders (Manage)" = ""
"Auto-Responders" = ""
"Autoresponders (Manage)" = ""
"Back" = ""
"Backtrace" = ""
"Backup Complete" = ""
"Batch Removal" = ""
"Batch Removals" = ""
"Besides E-Mail" = ""
"Blank" = ""
"Blocked Addresses" = ""
"Blocked" = ""
"Bob's Group||group1" = ""
"Body Tag Templates" = ""
"Bounce Management Options" = ""
"Bounce Settings" = ""
"Bounce" = ""
"Bounced Addresses - Pie Graph" = ""
"Bounced Date" = ""
"Bounced E-mail Messages will be sent to the From sender of the mailing. No configuration is needed. Recommended for novice users." = ""
"Bounced Settings for List" = ""
"Bounced Settings" = ""
"Bounced Type" = ""
"Bounced messages have been successfully processed" = ""
"Bounced" = ""
"Bounces" = ""
"Branding Settings" = ""
"Branding" = ""
"Brief Description for you to recognize. Does NOT affect your actual header/footer." = ""
"Brief Description for you to recognize. Does NOT affect your actual template." = ""
"Brief Message" = ""
"By checking this box, all e-mail addresses that have previously been unsubscribed in the past will not be imported. This only includes e-mail addresses that were unsubscribed by the user. E-mail addresses that are removed by the admin will still be imported" = ""
"By checking this box, users will be required to confirm their subscription by clicking on a link that will be e-mailed to them. If you check this box, ensure that you have your confirmation mailings turned on and set to what you prefer. Also verify that opt-in / out settings are turned on and set to what you prefer" = ""
"By clicking on the "Remove Now" button, all settings, subscribers, e-mail's, and archived messages will be deleted." = ""
"By entering a url in any of the fields, the user will be redirected to that url when the action takes place.
IE: you enter http://www.example.com/thanks.htm in the "Successful Completed Subscription URL" field. Then when a user successfully subscribes to your list he or she would be redirected to http://www.example.com/thanks.htm instantly upon filling out the initial form. The users information will be added to your list in the background while redirection is taking place." = ""
"By looking at this information you can see if your cronjobs are setup properly." = ""
"By removing this user, you will remove all sub-users associated with this user without recovery options." = ""
"Category 1||1" = ""
"Caught errors: %d" = ""
"Change View" = ""
"Change" = ""
"Changes NOT Saved! Possible cause is that you don't have permission to change users." = ""
"Changes NOT saved. Please, try again later." = ""
"Changes NOT saved. Please, try again later..." = ""
"Changes Saved." = ""
"Changes successful." = ""
"Changes successfully changed." = ""
"Changes successfully saved." = ""
"Character Set" = ""
"Check Box" = ""
"Check For Bounces" = ""
"Check For Updated Licenses" = ""
"Check for Bounces" = ""
"Check for Updates" = ""
"Check your mysql information and try again." = ""
"Checked Value" = ""
"Checked" = ""
"Clear Monitor" = ""
"Clear all errors for this mailing" = ""
"Click Here for Details" = ""
"Click below to install the your latest license information." = ""
"Click below to install your latest license information." = ""
"Click here to add a subscriber." = ""
"Click here to create a new message / mailing." = ""
"Click on "Launch Sending Monitor" in the upper right of this page." = ""
"Click on the "Requeue" button on the queue page." = ""
"Click to expand" = ""
"Click(s)" = ""
"Clone List Settings" = ""
"Clone List" = ""
"Clone Users" = ""
"Clone" = ""
"Closing this window will stop the monitoring of your mailings." = ""
"Column %s sample data" = ""
"Columns Total" = ""
"Completed" = ""
"Compose Message" = ""
"Computer Details" = ""
"Computer Info" = ""
"Confirm Link" = ""
"Confirm Opt-In?" = ""
"Confirm Opt-Out?" = ""
"Connected successfully!" = ""
"Containing These Users" = ""
"Contains" = ""
"Copy/paste the code below into your web site for your subscription form." = ""
"Copyrights may never be removed from the actual code." = ""
"Could not attach uploaded file!" = ""
"Could not connect:" = ""
"Could not fetch a latest version number. Check your connection to ActivateLicense.com server and try again." = ""
"Could not get uploaded file: %s" = ""
"Could not login using those credentials. Please doublecheck your info." = ""
"Could not save the uploaded file %s." = ""
"Create Message" = ""
"Create New Form" = ""
"Create New Message From Saved" = ""
"Create New Message" = ""
"Create New Subscription Form" = ""
"Create a Message" = ""
"Create" = ""
"Created Date" = ""
"Created Time" = ""
"Cron Emulator" = ""
"Cron History" = ""
"Cron Monitor log NOT Cleared! Please, try again later..." = ""
"Cron Monitor log has been cleared." = ""
"Cron Monitor" = ""
"Crons" = ""
"Current List:" = ""
"Current POP Accounts" = ""
"Current Rules" = ""
"Currently preparing to initiate sending." = ""
"Currently you have %s unconfirmed subscribers" = ""
"Custom Email Headers" = ""
"Cut-Off Date for Purging" = ""
"DB Error, could not list tables. MySQL Error:" = ""
"DB" = ""
"DataBase Utilities" = ""
"Database Backup" = ""
"Database Cleaning" = ""
"Database Host Name" = ""
"Database Host" = ""
"Database Name" = ""
"Database Password" = ""
"Database Repair/Optimization" = ""
"Database Synchronization" = ""
"Database Table Name" = ""
"Database Username" = ""
"Database Utilities" = ""
"Database has been cleaned." = ""
"Database" = ""
"Date Created" = ""
"Date Created:" = ""
"Date List was Started" = ""
"Date Subscribed" = ""
"Date Unsubscribed" = ""
"Date of Signup" = ""
"Date" = ""
"Date/Time Sending Started" = ""
"Days" = ""
"Dec" = ""
"December" = ""
"Default & Recommended Method." = ""
"Default Bounced Settings" = ""
"Default From Name" = ""
"Default List Settings per Admin User" = ""
"Default List Settings" = ""
"Default Redirections" = ""
"Default Sending Method." = ""
"Default Status" = ""
"Default Value (Optional)" = ""
"Default status of automatic unsubscription link check box" = ""
"Default" = ""
"Delete Absolute Admin user" = ""
"Delete Admins" = ""
"Delete All Rules" = ""
"Delete Checked" = ""
"Delete List" = ""
"Delete Message From Archive" = ""
"Delete Messages" = ""
"Delete Stats" = ""
"Delete Subscriber Fields" = ""
"Delete Subscribers" = ""
"Delete all addresses in this list" = ""
"Delete all subscribers that are not affected by the sync each time the sync runs" = ""
"Delete" = ""
"Demo Mode" = ""
"Detailed" = ""
"Details" = ""
"Did you receive the email?" = ""
"Disable Quick Tips." = ""
"Disable passing variables during subscriptions" = ""
"Disable public section?" = ""
"Disabled in demo" = ""
"Disabled in demo." = ""
"Disabled" = ""
"Display Report" = ""
"Display style could not be changed." = ""
"Display style successfully changed." = ""
"Do Not Import" = ""
"Do not import addresses which have been unsubscribed in the past" = ""
"Do not send any future autoresponders" = ""
"Do the bounced e-mails stay on my POP server even after I check for Bounced mail via the control panel?" = ""
"Do you wish to continue saving this field?" = ""
"Does NOT Contain" = ""
"Does Not Equal (Is Not)" = ""
"Does not require any browser window to remain open." = ""
"Does this process affect any other mail in my pop account?" = ""
"Done" = ""
"Double check your smtp information and re-run this utility." = ""
"Drop Down" = ""
"E-mail Addresss" = ""
"E-mail Headers" = ""
"E-mail" = ""
"ERROR - Attempt to save file has failed. Attempted to save file into your tmp_imp folder. Contact your web host to check for any file upload permission problems on your server or specifically at " = ""
"ERROR - File was able to be saved but your default permissions for files on your server do not allow reading. Contact your web host to check for any file upload permission problems on your server or specifically at " = ""
"EX: http://www.yoursite.com/thanks.htm" = ""
"Easily integrate subscription forms into any page of you website using the Generate HTML Form code option found for each list." = ""
"Edit Custom Header" = ""
"Edit Field "%s"" = ""
"Edit Subscription Form" = ""
"Edit User: %s" = ""
"Edit" = ""
"Editor Size" = ""
"Email Address is either invalid or missing. Please try again." = ""
"Email Address" = ""
"Email Addresses or IP Addresses To Be Blocked" = ""
"Email Addresses" = ""
"Email address could not be found. Please try again." = ""
"Email address is invalid. Please try again." = ""
"Email address is not valid." = ""
"Email" = ""
"Emails Not Read/Opened" = ""
"Emails Read/Opened" = ""
"Empty Subject" = ""
"Enable Click-Through Tracking" = ""
"Enabled" = ""
"Ensure that your POP3 information is entered correctly." = ""
"Ensure you enter both username and password." = ""
"Equals (Is)" = ""
"Error %d" = ""
"Error - The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini. Contact your web host. More info at: http://us3.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.upload-max-filesize" = ""
"Error - The uploaded file was only partially uploaded." = ""
"Error - You must select a file to import. Click back and try again. If this problem persists ensure file_uploads is turned on in your php.ini and that you have a upload_tmp_dir set in your php.ini file. You can contact your host or system admin to make these changes." = ""
"Error Logs" = ""
"Error Reporting" = ""
"Error Type" = ""
"Error has occurred. Your lists in the database are more than your license allow." = ""
"Error has occurred. Your users in the database are more than your activation code (sub-licenses) allow." = ""
"Error" = ""
"Error: Mailing List not found." = ""
"Error: Mailing List not specified." = ""
"Error: Please enter your data to import into the textbox." = ""
"Error: Table exists! Sending may have already been initiated." = ""
"Error: This list has reached the maximum number of messages allowed to be sent." = ""
"Error: You have reached the maximum number of messages allowed to be sent." = ""
"Error: Your server/php setup is missing a temporary folder. Either import using copy/paste method or contact your web host or sytem administrator. To resolve this issue you must contact your web host or system administrator." = ""
"Errors In Mailing" = ""
"Errors occured during this mailing" = ""
"Examples" = ""
"Existing" = ""
"Expired" = ""
"Export Subscribers" = ""
"Export Unsubscribers" = ""
"Export to .CSV File" = ""
"Export" = ""
"Extra users that were not part of the sync will be removed" = ""
"F" = ""
"Failed Records" = ""
"Failed to write file to disk." = ""
"Feb" = ""
"February" = ""
"Fetch At Send" = ""
"Fetch Now" = ""
"Field \"%s\" added." = ""
"Field \"%s\" could not be added. Maybe the field the same name already exists." = ""
"Field \"%s\" could not be updated." = ""
"Field \"%s\" updated." = ""
"Field deleted." = ""
"Field type" = ""
"Fields To Export" = ""
"Fields for List \"%s\"" = ""
"Fields" = ""
"File Library" = ""
"File Location" = ""
"File \"%s\" added." = ""
"File \"%s\" could not be added!" = ""
"File deleted." = ""
"File did not ever run." = ""
"File to import" = ""
"Files" = ""
"Filter Query" = ""
"Filter Used" = ""
"First Name" = ""
"Footer" = ""
"For HTML Messages" = ""
"For List" = ""
"For TEXT Messages" = ""
"For a 100 percent wide editor." = ""
"For a 500 pixel high editor." = ""
"For example, let's say our lists variable contains \"1,4,2,7\", and the message codes variable contains \"4,8,5,2\"." = ""
"For future reference in the control panel. Not visible by public." = ""
"For my user only" = ""
"For this list" = ""
"For unlimited leave blank or put 0 (zero)." = ""
"For unlimited leave blank." = ""
"For unlimited put zero (0)." = ""
"For wildcard characters, use '%'.
For example, to match all emails for the domain \"example.com\", type \"%@example.com\"
or, to block all IP addresses starting with 192.168, enter \"192.168.%\"" = ""
"Force Opt-In" = ""
"Force PHP Include Path Specified Above " = ""
"Force Re queue" = ""
"Force Send Now" = ""
"Force Sendmail - Do not check unless sending does not work with mail() setting above." = ""
"Force Unsubscribe Link" = ""
"Format of opt in/out messages" = ""
"Format" = ""
"Forward To A Friend" = ""
"Forward to a Friend" = ""
"Forwarded Messages - Pie Graph" = ""
"Forwarded" = ""
"Forwards - Pie Graph" = ""
"Forwards" = ""
"Fri" = ""
"Friday" = ""
"Friends Email" = ""
"Friends Name" = ""
"From E-mail" = ""
"From Email" = ""
"From Name (OPTIONAL)" = ""
"From Name (Optional)" = ""
"From Name (optional)" = ""
"From Name" = ""
"From" = ""
"GD Lib is required to be installed on your server for graphs to display." = ""
"General List Settings" = ""
"General Message Information" = ""
"General Reports" = ""
"General Stats" = ""
"General" = ""
"Generate Reports" = ""
"Generate" = ""
"Global Tasks" = ""
"Global User \"%s\" deleted." = ""
"Go Back To Editing" = ""
"Go" = ""
"Good example" = ""
"HTML Message" = ""
"HTML ONLY" = ""
"HTML Template" = ""
"HTML Version of Message " = ""
"HTML Version of Message" = ""
"HTML Version" = ""
"HTML and TEXT" = ""
"HTML" = ""
"Hard Bounces" = ""
"Header Information" = ""
"Header Information:" = ""
"Header or Footer" = ""
"Header" = ""
"Header/Footer Content" = ""
"Headers / Footers" = ""
"Headers and Footers" = ""
"Headers" = ""
"Height" = ""
"Here's how it works: When processing a subscriber's information, the system will generate two variables containing the necessary information." = ""
"Hidden Field" = ""
"Hide Version" = ""
"Hide version to all users besides user admin?" = ""
"High" = ""
"Home" = ""
"Hook Location" = ""
"Hooks" = ""
"Host" = ""
"Hour" = ""
"Hours" = ""
"How can I manually start a stalled message?" = ""
"How to send mail" = ""
"I am here to assist you with setting up and ensuring your mail settings are correct and working." = ""
"I have the cronjob setup but sending does not resume!" = ""
"ID" = ""
"IE" = ""
"IE: X-Mailer:MyProgram" = ""
"IP Address" = ""
"IP" = ""
"If authentication is not required, do not enter a user or pass." = ""
"If it is not sent within 15 minutes your cronjob is not setup correctly and not running ( thus the stalling )." = ""
"If selected, the software will disable most functions such as deleting, sending and more." = ""
"If selected, the version will NOT be visible in the control panel." = ""
"If this is the case you will receive test emails in the near future. If you receive a test email simply open that email to learn how to set the mail settings correctly to the sending method that worked." = ""
"If this page does not refresh in 30 seconds click here." = ""
"If you are experiencing problems with sending stalls or time sensitive events, view Cron_Setup.txt to setup the cronjobs and view the Cron Monitor to ensure they are setup properly." = ""
"If you are on a windows machine or other machine that does not support cronjobs you would have to setup a scheduled task or cron emulator torun certain files as often as cron_setup.txt suggests." = ""
"If you are unable to setup cronjobs:" = ""
"If you copy and paste the following code sample into your redirection page (assuming it is a .php page)," = ""
"If you do not have your cronjobs setup that could mean your mailings may stall." = ""
"If you do not remember the above information" = ""
"If you don't want to let this user add another users, instead of setting this value to zero (0), just uncheck the "Add Admins" checkbox." = ""
"If you encounter sending errors, check your sending settings & method in "Admin Settings > Script Settings"" = ""
"If you need to manually restart / requeue a stalled mailing." = ""
"If your message is still stalled at this time and clicking requeue does not change anything your server has a limitation or you mail queue on your server (sendmail, qmail, smtp, etc.. mail queue) is full and not allowing more messages to be initiatied." = ""
"If your messages are not being received and it does not appear sending email works - try the Mail Configuration Wizard." = ""
"Import From File" = ""
"Import Subscribers" = ""
"Import data into unsubscribed list (will import your data into the list of past unsubscribed e-mails)" = ""
"Import in progress..." = ""
"Import subscribers into mailing list" = ""
"Import using copy/paste" = ""
"Import was successful.
%s records in file.
%s records failed.
%s records imported." = ""
"Import" = ""
"In Queue" = ""
"In order to try the next sending method we will need to have SMTP information. Please fill in the fields below and click next." = ""
"In this situation you should contact your host or system admin." = ""
"Inactive" = ""
"Include Automatic Unsubscribe Link" = ""
"Include Unsubscribe Link" = ""
"Info / View" = ""
"Info" = ""
"Invalid activation key for users." = ""
"Is Greater Than Or Equal To" = ""
"Is Greater Than" = ""
"Is Less Than Or Equal To" = ""
"Is Less Than" = ""
"Is slower than the default method & sends in increments on screen." = ""
"It does not appear to be working, what should I do?" = ""
"It may take several minutes for your mail to arrive. If you do not see the message in your inbox check your filters and any junk mail folders." = ""
"Jan" = ""
"January" = ""
"Jul" = ""
"July" = ""
"Jun" = ""
"June" = ""
"Keep Private?" = ""
"Keep this window open and your sending progress will be monitored to avoid stalling." = ""
"Label (Name)" = ""
"Label Justification" = ""
"Label" = ""
"Language changed" = ""
"Language" = ""
"Last 10 Subscribers" = ""
"Last 5 Messages Sent" = ""
"Last Name" = ""
"Last Ran" = ""
"Last Updated" = ""
"Latest available version" = ""
"Launch Sending Monitor" = ""
"Leave blank for no expiration" = ""
"Leave blank if you do not wish to use this feature." = ""
"Left" = ""
"License NOT updated." = ""
"License agreement does not allow you to set your own copyright, but you may opt to have the copyright invisibe to public/non-code view." = ""
"License sucessfully updated." = ""
"Limits" = ""
"Line" = ""
"Link History" = ""
"Link Stats for" = ""
"Link Stats" = ""
"Link to complete subscription form with option to subscribe to multiple lists." = ""
"Link to complete subscription form without option to subscribe to multiple lists." = ""
"Link(s)" = ""
"List 1: Message code 4," = ""
"List 2: Message code 5," = ""
"List 4: Message code 8," = ""
"List 7: Message code 2," = ""
"List Comparisons - Messages Sent" = ""
"List Comparisons - Subscribers" = ""
"List Limit: %d per %s." = ""
"List Name" = ""
"List Reports" = ""
"List Settings" = ""
"List could NOT be added." = ""
"List expiration date" = ""
"List not selected!" = ""
"List successfully added." = ""
"List will not be listed on default subscription page." = ""
"List" = ""
"Lists to include in this form" = ""
"Lists" = ""
"Login to Support Center to download." = ""
"Login" = ""
"Logout" = ""
"Lookup" = ""
"Low" = ""
"M" = ""
"MIME" = ""
"MYSQL Error (1203). Too many mysql connections. For more information regarding this error contact your host or system administrator." = ""
"MYSQL Settings" = ""
"Mail Config Wizard" = ""
"Mail Configuration Wizard" = ""
"Mail Configuration" = ""
"Mail Headers" = ""
"Mail Wizard" = ""
"Mail" = ""
"Mailing Lists (Groups) To Include in Mailing" = ""
"Mailling List" = ""
"Main Page" = ""
"Make it available for the following lists too" = ""
"Manage" = ""
"Mar" = ""
"March" = ""
"Marked For Removal" = ""
"Matching Addresses for" = ""
"Max Attachment Size" = ""
"Max Image Upload Size" = ""
"Max Members Allowed" = ""
"May" = ""
"Medium" = ""
"Message (Text Version)" = ""
"Message Archive" = ""
"Message Content" = ""
"Message Details" = ""
"Message NOT Saved! Please try again later..." = ""
"Message Not Found!" = ""
"Message Queue" = ""
"Message Saved." = ""
"Message has been sent" = ""
"Message successfully deleted." = ""
"Message successfully paused." = ""
"Message successfully stopped." = ""
"Message was NOT paused. Possible reason is that message could not be found." = ""
"Message was NOT stopped. Possible reason is that message could not be found." = ""
"Message" = ""
"Message:" = ""
"Messaged Added To Scheduled Queue" = ""
"Messages Archive" = ""
"Messages Sent So Far" = ""
"Messages Sent" = ""
"Messages" = ""
"Method To Deal With Bounced E-Mails" = ""
"Minute" = ""
"Missig fields. Please click back and try again." = ""
"Modify Account" = ""
"Modify Admins" = ""
"Modify Header/Footer" = ""
"Modify POP Account" = ""
"Modify Subscriber Details" = ""
"Modify Sync" = ""
"Modify Template" = ""
"Modify" = ""
"Mon" = ""
"Monday" = ""
"More Info" = ""
"More details in cron_setup.txt" = ""
"Must include http:// beginning and should NOT have a trailing slash." = ""
"MySQL Client" = ""
"MySQL Host" = ""
"MySQL Proto" = ""
"MySQL Version" = ""
"NOTE" = ""
"Name / Description " = ""
"Name and Sender" = ""
"Name is required." = ""
"Name of Header/Footer" = ""
"Name of List" = ""
"Name of Newsletter" = ""
"Name of Template" = ""
"Name of item selected by default" = ""
"Name" = ""
"Name*" = ""
"Name: (Not part of header)" = ""
"Name:" = ""
"Names" = ""
"Name||Value ( Value of name and value when selected seperated by || )" = ""
"New Subscriber Added To List" = ""
"New subscriber Notifcation" = ""
"New version available!" = ""
"Next" = ""
"No - Cancel" = ""
"No Autoresponders Found" = ""
"No Bounced E-mail Management" = ""
"No Email Addresses Found." = ""
"No Filter" = ""
"No Headers/Footers Found" = ""
"No Sending Filters Found." = ""
"No Subject" = ""
"No Subscribers Found." = ""
"No Sync Records Found" = ""
"No Template" = ""
"No Templates Found" = ""
"No admins associated with this list. Only main admin has access to it." = ""
"No bounces found" = ""
"No errors found so far." = ""
"No forwards for this subscriber" = ""
"No link history for this subscriber" = ""
"No lists available" = ""
"No messages found" = ""
"No messages remain in the mail queue." = ""
"No messages remain in the scheduled queue." = ""
"No messages sent in this list until now." = ""
"No name entered" = ""
"No subject" = ""
"No subscribers are currently active for this list." = ""
"No update is needed." = ""
"No" = ""
"No. If the bounced e-mail message is detected, the system will flag that e-mail address and delete that message." = ""
"Non-Confirmed E-mails" = ""
"Non-Confirmed Emails" = ""
"Non-instant auto responders require a cronjob. Details in cron_setup.txt" = ""
"Non-removable HTML Footer" = ""
"Non-removable Text Footer" = ""
"Not Bounced" = ""
"Not Forwarded" = ""
"Not part of header" = ""
"Note: Errors are deleted after 30 days." = ""
"Note: If you need to change your fields you need to create a new sync" = ""
"Note: Read/open stats will only work on computers where the user is online at the time of reading the mailing and the user does not block images from downloading." = ""
"Nov" = ""
"November" = ""
"Number of attachments allowed per mailing" = ""
"Number of duplicates" = ""
"Number of e-mails permitted to send" = ""
"Number of emails to process at one time" = ""
"Number of hours after subscription this responder is set to send at (0 will send this responder instantly)" = ""
"Number of times an address may hard bounce before being removed" = ""
"Number of times an address may soft bounce before being removed" = ""
"Oct" = ""
"October" = ""
"Of Hard Bounces" = ""
"Of Soft Bounces" = ""
"Opt In/Out" = ""
"Opt-In Confirmations" = ""
"Opt-In Message" = ""
"Opt-In/Out" = ""
"Opt-Out Confirmations" = ""
"Opt-Out Message" = ""
"Optimize '%s': %s" = ""
"Optimize Database" = ""
"Optional Redirection Pages" = ""
"Options" = ""
"Options/Permissions" = ""
"Or" = ""
"Or, use HTML from my url below for the HTML version of the message" = ""
"Or, use TXT from my url below for the TXT version of the message" = ""
"Order" = ""
"Other Forms of Allowing Users To Subscribe - VIA LINK" = ""
"Other lists" = ""
"Other options" = ""
"Other" = ""
"PHP Include Path" = ""
"PHP Settings" = ""
"PHP Version" = ""
"POP Accounts" = ""
"POP E-mail Address" = ""
"POP Frequently Asked Questions" = ""
"POP Host" = ""
"POP Password" = ""
"POP Port" = ""
"POP Server (IE: pop.server.com)" = ""
"POP Server" = ""
"POP Username" = ""
"Pass" = ""
"Password Reset. Please check your email for the new password." = ""
"Password reset request." = ""
"Password" = ""
"Pause" = ""
"Per Day" = ""
"Per Month" = ""
"Per Week" = ""
"Percent Complete" = ""
"Personalization Tag" = ""
"Personalize Message" = ""
"Personalize Message: " = ""
"Personalize your mailings for effective email campaigns by using the personalize button or personalize button when composing your mailings." = ""
"Personalized Message" = ""
"Please check your email address \"%s\" for a new message entitled \"Test Message (Default Method)\"" = ""
"Please check your email address \"%s\" for a new message entitled \"Test Message (SMTP Method)\"" = ""
"Please check your email address \"%s\" for a new message entitled \"Test Message (Sendmail Method)\"" = ""
"Please check your email to confirm your password resetting." = ""
"Please close this window to continue." = ""
"Please enter a email address for the test message to be sent to:" = ""
"Please enter a name for this sending filter" = ""
"Please enter a reason why you have unsubscribed:" = ""
"Please hold for a second while I attempt to send this test email..." = ""
"Please hold for a second while I attempt to send this test message using a different sending method..." = ""
"Please hold for a second while I attempt to send this test message using the SMTP sending method..." = ""
"Please login to continue." = ""
"Please note that it is normal for cronjobs to have no ending time." = ""
"Please note: Such areas as bounced managment, attachments and other features may not be included in the test mailing where as it will be included in the final mailing." = ""
"Please select a format in which you would like to send your message." = ""
"Please select a report below to continue:" = ""
"Please type in the email address..." = ""
"Please type in the field name..." = ""
"Please type in the username..." = ""
"Please type your friend\'s email address" = ""
"Please upload a file to attach." = ""
"Please wait and try again." = ""
"Please wait while your message is being prepared for sending." = ""
"Plugin Manager " = ""
"Plugin" = ""
"Plugins" = ""
"Popular Tasks" = ""
"Port (Default: 110)" = ""
"Port" = ""
"Powered By 1-2-All" = ""
"Pre-Confirmed Subscription URL or Pre-Confirmed Un-Subscription URL will only be used when you have Require Opt-In/Opt-Out turned on." = ""
"Pre-Confirmed Subscription URL" = ""
"Pre-Confirmed UnSubscription URL" = ""
"Presets" = ""
"Preview Field "%s"" = ""
"Preview Field for List "%s"" = ""
"Preview Message" = ""
"Preview" = ""
"Previous" = ""
"Priority" = ""
"Privileges" = ""
"Process Checked" = ""
"Process bounced addresses without review." = ""
"Process started at" = ""
"Processing for scheduling..." = ""
"Processing for sending..." = ""
"Purge Non-Confirmed Emails" = ""
"Purging your list is NOT an immediate concern with only" = ""
"Query" = ""
"Quick Links" = ""
"Quick Stats" = ""
"Quick Tasks" = ""
"Quick Tip" = ""
"Quick Tips are now disabled." = ""
"Quick Tips are now enabled." = ""
"Quick Tips could not be disabled." = ""
"Quick Tips could not be enabled." = ""
"Radio Button" = ""
"Re-Queue" = ""
"Read(s)" = ""
"Read/Open - Pie Graph" = ""
"Read/Open Trend of Last " = ""
"Read/Open Trend of Last 30 Days" = ""
"Read/Opened" = ""
"Reads" = ""
"Reason" = ""
"Recent Activity" = ""
"Recipient" = ""
"Recommended size is 165x50 pixels." = ""
"Recommended" = ""
"Redirection Settings" = ""
"Redirections" = ""
"Referer" = ""
"Refresh" = ""
"Register/Login" = ""
"Regular" = ""
"Remember me" = ""
"Remove Condition" = ""
"Remove Duplicates" = ""
"Remove Email or IP" = ""
"Remove List" = ""
"Remove a list of addresses" = ""
"Remove from list" = ""
"Remove" = ""
"Repair '%s': %s" = ""
"Repair Database" = ""
"Reply-To Address" = ""
"Reports Only" = ""
"Reports" = ""
"Require Name" = ""
"Require Opt-In option has been removed for importing because it is disabled for this list" = ""
"Require Opt-In" = ""
"Require review of addresses before processing bounced addresses." = ""
"Required?" = ""
"Requires a browser window to remain open during sending process." = ""
"Resume" = ""
"Rule has been added." = ""
"Rules" = ""
"Run Now" = ""
"Run" = ""
"S" = ""
"SMTP Host" = ""
"SMTP Password" = ""
"SMTP Port" = ""
"SMTP Server" = ""
"SMTP Username" = ""
"SMTP" = ""
"Sat" = ""
"Saturday" = ""
"Save Changes" = ""
"Save For Later" = ""
"Save to File" = ""
"Save" = ""
"Saved Custom Headers" = ""
"Saved Message successfully deleted." = ""
"Saved Message was NOT deleted. Possible reason is that message could not be found." = ""
"Saved Messages" = ""
"Saved" = ""
"Schedule For Sending?" = ""
"Schedule Options" = ""
"Scheduled Mailings" = ""
"Scheduled Message Queue" = ""
"Scheduled mailings require a cronjob for cron.php to be setup and running preferably every 15 minutes." = ""
"Scheduled sending, stall eliminator" = ""
"Scheduled to send on %s at %s." = ""
"Script Settings" = ""
"Search Results For" = ""
"Search Subscribers" = ""
"Search Terms" = ""
"Search for" = ""
"Search" = ""
"Select A List" = ""
"Select A Message" = ""
"Select Lists Available For This User" = ""
"Select Lists To Unsubscribe From" = ""
"Select Lists" = ""
"Select a List" = ""
"Select a table" = ""
"Select list..." = ""
"Send Date/Time" = ""
"Send Email Reminder" = ""
"Send Now" = ""
"Send Test Email" = ""
"Send after subscription" = ""
"Send after unsubscription" = ""
"Send copies of mailings to" = ""
"Send individual confirmations" = ""
"Send instant autoresponders when importing" = ""
"Send instant autoresponders" = ""
"Send test email to" = ""
"Send the last broadcast message when importing" = ""
"Send the last broadcast message" = ""
"Send this email to a friend. Simply fill out the information below and
click on the send button." = ""
"Send to a friend" = ""
"Send" = ""
"Senders E-mail Address" = ""
"Sending Completed!" = ""
"Sending Engine" = ""
"Sending Filter for Email Addresses" = ""
"Sending Filter" = ""
"Sending Filters" = ""
"Sending Formats Allowed" = ""
"Sending Initiated." = ""
"Sending Monitor" = ""
"Sending is disabled in the demo." = ""
"Sending is processing..." = ""
"Sending..." = ""
"Sends a email alert when a new user subscribes." = ""
"Sent Date" = ""
"Sent Time" = ""
"Sent To" = ""
"Sent to a friend Link" = ""
"Sent" = ""
"Sep" = ""
"Separate each entry by a comma. Do not include spaces." = ""
"September" = ""
"Serial" = ""
"Server Details" = ""
"Server Settings" = ""
"Server configuration informations: upload_max_filesize = %s, post_max_size = %s" = ""
"Server timeout, overload, etc..." = ""
"Server" = ""
"Session" = ""
"Set Message Preferences" = ""
"Set the name or title of the mailing list administration area." = ""
"Settings" = ""
"Should be the full location to your logo." = ""
"Show 12all_links" = ""
"Show Copyright" = ""
"Show Quick Tips?" = ""
"Show in Textbox" = ""
"Show the last" = ""
"Showing Error" = ""
"Sign up" = ""
"Simple" = ""
"Site Logo" = ""
"Site Name" = ""
"Size of text box" = ""
"Soft Bounces" = ""
"Software Settings" = ""
"Software URL / Web Location" = ""
"Software Update available!" = ""
"Specified user is not found." = ""
"Specify a SMTP server" = ""
"Startup Page" = ""
"Status" = ""
"Stop" = ""
"Subject Line" = ""
"Subject" = ""
"Submit / Next" = ""
"Submit" = ""
"Subscribe to multiple lists" = ""
"Subscribe" = ""
"Subscribe/Unsubscribe By Email" = ""
"Subscribed" = ""
"Subscriber Details" = ""
"Subscriber Fields" = ""
"Subscriber Information" = ""
"Subscriber" = ""
"Subscriber's Email" = ""
"Subscriber's IP Address" = ""
"Subscriber's Name" = ""
"Subscribers Fields" = ""
"Subscribers to import" = ""
"Subscribers" = ""
"Subscribtion Forms" = ""
"Subscription Error URL" = ""
"Subscription Forms" = ""
"Successful Completed Subscription URL" = ""
"Successful Completed UnSubscription URL" = ""
"Successful Confirmed Subscription" = ""
"Successful Confirmed UnSubscription" = ""
"Successful VS UnSuccessful - Pie Graph" = ""
"Successful vs Unsuccessful - Pie Graph" = ""
"Successful" = ""
"Suggested for smaller sized lists or when cronjobs are unavailable on the server." = ""
"Sun" = ""
"Sunday" = ""
"Switch" = ""
"Sync Details" = ""
"Sync Name" = ""
"Sync Rules" = ""
"System Date/Time is currently %s, %s" = ""
"System does not allow adding any more lists. You have to change a license in order to do that." = ""
"System is configured to allow only %d MB per file, and this file is %d in size." = ""
"T" = ""
"TEXT ONLY" = ""
"TEXT Template" = ""
"TEXT Version of Message" = ""
"TEXT" = ""
"TEXT/HTML (multi-part MIME)" = ""
"THIS CAN NOT BE UNDONE! Are you sure that you would like to remove this sync? This will delete this sync without recovery options." = ""
"THIS CAN NOT BE UNDONE!\\n\\nAre you sure that you would like to delete the subscribers?\\n\\nThis will delete data without recovery options." = ""
"THIS CAN NOT BE UNDONE!\\n\\nAre you sure that you would like to delete this list?\\n\\nThis will delete data without recovery options." = ""
"THIS CAN NOT BE UNDONE!\\n\\nAre you sure that you would like to run this utility?\\n\\nThis will delete data without recovery options." = ""
"THIS CAN NOT BE UNDONE!\r\rAre you sure that you would like to remove this message?\r\rThis will delete this message and stats from this list without recovery options." = ""
"Template Content" = ""
"Template Permissions" = ""
"Template Permissions?" = ""
"Templates & Filters" = ""
"Templates" = ""
"Test" = ""
"Text Box" = ""
"Text Field" = ""
"Text Message" = ""
"Text Version of Message" = ""
"Text Version" = ""
"Thank you for subscribing to our mailing list" = ""
"Thank you for your feedback" = ""
"The SMTP information you entered may be incorrect" = ""
"The cron test worked but it still is stalled!" = ""
"The cronjob could take up to 45 minutes to fully kickin after the initial stall." = ""
"The email address %s was NOT removed from all the lists. Possible casue is that provided email address does not exists." = ""
"The email address %s was successfully removed from all the lists." = ""
"The first variable is a comma seperated string containing all the IDs of your lists," = ""
"The last 3 times each cron file was run will be listed." = ""
"The link to modify your account has been sent. Please check your email." = ""
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form. Try a smaller file." = ""
"The || is two Vertical Bar/Pipe keyboard entrys." = ""
"There are 0 messages / mailings for this list." = ""
"There are 0 recipients in the selected lists." = ""
"There are 0 recipients matched by this filter." = ""
"There are currently 0 fields setup." = ""
"There are currently 0 lists. Please add a list." = ""
"There are currently 0 subscription forms for this list." = ""
"There are currently no saved messages for this list." = ""
"There are no files to attach." = ""
"There are no subscribers for this list at this moment." = ""
"There is no need to purge at this time." = ""
"There was an error sending the message." = ""
"There was an error uploading your file, most likely caused by a PHP INI setting limiting the size of file uploads. Please contact your webhost or system administrator." = ""
"There was message activity within 5 minutes." = ""
"These settings will only be used if you link to the generic subscription form and do not have users subscribe via generated form code. If you use the generated form code you must enter the redirect URLS while you are generating the form code. These URLS are universal to all of your lists." = ""
"This button will only appear if the message has stalled for 5 minutes or more." = ""
"This can not be undone." = ""
"This link has been clicked on %s unique times. %d total non-unique times." = ""
"This link has been clicked on %s unique times." = ""
"This list has been removed" = ""
"This mailing had %s unsubscribes." = ""
"This mailing has been forwarded %s times." = ""
"This mailing has bounced %s times, with %s hard bounces and %s soft bounces." = ""
"This mailing is set to send to %d subscribers." = ""
"This may cause duplicates to be sent if the mailing is still in progress." = ""
"This may take several minutes to complete depending on the size of your data." = ""
"This message has been read %s unique times. %d total non-unique times." = ""
"This page has meaning only after submitting Add/Edit Field form." = ""
"This page will show you the activity for all of the possible files that can be executed through a cron." = ""
"This should be used if your cronjobs are not setup as this acts as a cron emulator." = ""
"This user already exists in global authentication table. You can either add that user, or create another one with a different username." = ""
"This will delete all messages for all lists. Which includes the messages and stats." = ""
"This will delete all of the subscriber fields and subscriber fields data." = ""
"This will delete all statistics for all lists. Including read/open, bounce, and link tracking stats." = ""
"This will delete all subscribers from all lists. Including subscriber fields data." = ""
"This will delete this Administrator without recovery options." = ""
"This will delete this Field without recovery options." = ""
"This will delete this message and stats from this list without recovery options." = ""
"This will launch a small popup that will monitor the sending progress and emulate the cronjob." = ""
"This will stop sending and will not let you finish sending this mailing." = ""
"This window must remain open for sending to continue." = ""
"This would be interpreted like this:" = ""
"Thu" = ""
"Thursday" = ""
"Time Subscribed" = ""
"Time is the number of days / hours after a user subscribes in which the auto responder will be sent to the subscriber. 0 days and 0 hours is for instant sending." = ""
"Time" = ""
"Times Clicked" = ""
"Times Forwarded" = ""
"Times Opened" = ""
"Timing" = ""
"Tip - If you do not have SMTP information or your SMTP information is not working try putting \"localhost\" for your SMTP Host and leave the user/pass blank." = ""
"Title" = ""
"To Unsubscribe, please click here" = ""
"To Unsubscribe, please" = ""
"To avoid display problems with certain email clients you should not have any %s or %s tags in your email." = ""
"To begin we will try to send a sample email message to see if email sending is working properly." = ""
"To fix this you would have to contact your system admin/web host as we are unable to assist with cronjobs due to the wide range of settings/server configurations." = ""
"To have your password reset, please enter the following fields:" = ""
"To import your data it MUST follow the import guidelines" = ""
"To insert the confirmation link, so users may confirm their subscription, simply type" = ""
"To link to the subscription form with giving the user the ability to subscribe to multiple lists, simply create a link pointing to" = ""
"To link to the subscription form without giving the user the ability to subscribe to multiple lists, simply create a link pointing to" = ""
"To prevent and eliminate stalling, you should setup the cronjobs per cron_setup.txt." = ""
"To verify your subscription, please visit" = ""
"To verify your unsubscription, please visit" = ""
"Top" = ""
"Total # of lists allowed (0 is unlimited.)" = ""
"Total # of sub-users allowed (0 is unlimited.)" = ""
"Total Forwards" = ""
"Total unique emails that clicked at least 1 link in this message" = ""
"Trace" = ""
"Track Links" = ""
"Track Opens/Reads" = ""
"Track opens / reads." = ""
"Tue" = ""
"Tuesday" = ""
"Type of Bounce" = ""
"Type of Mailing" = ""
"Type of Template" = ""
"Type of user" = ""
"Type" = ""
"UNKNOWN" = ""
"Un-Checked" = ""
"UnSubscribe" = ""
"UnSubscription Error URL" = ""
"UnSuccessful" = ""
"Unable to alter message settings." = ""
"Unable to create image library for user. Ensure your images folder is set to 777." = ""
"Unable to login due to numerous failed login attempts. Please wait 5 minutes and try again." = ""
"Unchecked" = ""
"Unfortunately I was unable to find a sending method that was working for you. This could be due to a couple of reasons:" = ""
"United States||USA" = ""
"Unknown" = ""
"Unsubscribe Link" = ""
"Unsubscribe" = ""
"Unsubscribed Emails" = ""
"Unsubscribed List (Search Results For" = ""
"Unsubscribed List" = ""
"Unsubscribed" = ""
"Update Account" = ""
"Update Profile Link" = ""
"Update Subscription Account" = ""
"Update" = ""
"Updates" = ""
"Upload New File" = ""
"Upload" = ""
"Use As Template" = ""
"Use Default Bounce Settings" = ""
"Use Saved Message" = ""
"Use a POP account" = ""
"Use a Popup Window That Must Remain Open During Sending" = ""
"User Limit: %d per %s." = ""
"User Profile" = ""
"User information invalid." = ""
"User not deleted. Reasons can be:" = ""
"User" = ""
"Username exists. Please click back and try another." = ""
"Username" = ""
"Users With Access to this List" = ""
"Users" = ""
"Utilities" = ""
"Value" = ""
"Vars" = ""
"Version" = ""
"View Matching" = ""
"View Message" = ""
"View Subscriber Details" = ""
"View Subscribers" = ""
"View the Message Archive for messages that have already been sent." = ""
"View" = ""
"W" = ""
"Warning - Do not run any of these utilities unless you are sure you know what they will do. All of these utilities remove / delete portions of your database and the information is not recoverable." = ""
"Warning!" = ""
"Warning...file_uploads appears to be turned off in your php configuration (php.ini file). file_uploads should be turned on for a number of the functions in this program. You may contact your host or system admin to make this change." = ""
"We highly recommend that you purge your list now." = ""
"Web Copy Link" = ""
"Wed" = ""
"Wednesday" = ""
"Welcome" = ""
"Welcome, %s" = ""
"What does flagging mean or what does it mean when you say the system will flag an e-mail address?" = ""
"What does this column represent?" = ""
"What to use for sending mail" = ""
"When you click requeue, sending will resume from where it left off." = ""
"Where" = ""
"Where:" = ""
"Why does my message stall & how can I prevent stalling?" = ""
"Width" = ""
"Will use the default MTA on your system. Such as sendmail, qmail, etc..." = ""
"Window" = ""
"Would you still like to remove this list?" = ""
"Yes - Remove Now" = ""
"Yes" = ""
"Yes. It will delete all emails in your pop account." = ""
"You are able to change the width and height of the WYSIWYG editor." = ""
"You are able to specify a selection of text that will be included at the bottom of all mailings regardless of what user or list is being used." = ""
"You are missing a condition or keyword. Please try again." = ""
"You are running %s and version %s is already available." = ""
"You are using the latest available version." = ""
"You can run this utility again at any time by going to:" = ""
"You can test this by scheduling a message for last month." = ""
"You currently have %s member(s) on your mailing list." = ""
"You did not provide a field name. Type it in now..." = ""
"You did not provide an email address. Type it in now..." = ""
"You did not provide an username. Type it in now..." = ""
"You didn't provide a From Email Address for a list.." = ""
"You didn't provide a name for a list." = ""
"You do not have needed privileges to access this page." = ""
"You have a total of %d user spots currently. %d user spots are left." = ""
"You have main html/head tags as part of your body tags." = ""
"You have no lists setup." = ""
"You have no message types specified for sending." = ""
"You have no permissions to add a list." = ""
"You have reached a maximum number of files to attach." = ""
"You have reached your lists limit." = ""
"You have selected %d lists for this mailing." = ""
"You have specified the same destination column for more than one original column. Ensure every destination column is not repeated." = ""
"You have the option to make the Software Homepage and Support Center links visible or invisible." = ""
"You have to provide Message Subject and Sender Email." = ""
"You have to select at least one Mailing Group and at least one Type of Mailing." = ""
"You manually include an Unsubscribe Link in your message" = ""
"You may further customize your redirection pages by including the system generated messages within your redirection page." = ""
"You may now safely close this window." = ""
"You must checkmark \"Include Unsubscribe Link\" or you must manually include an Unsubscribe Link in your message" = ""
"You must checkmark at least 1 email address" = ""
"You must checkmark clone users or clone list settings to continue" = ""
"You must manually include an Unsubscribe Link in your message" = ""
"You must specify at least one condition." = ""
"You will have to change your list settings to continue." = ""
"Your Account" = ""
"Your Email" = ""
"Your Name" = ""
"Your cronjob is likely not setup correctly." = ""
"Your current version" = ""
"Your e-mail address" = ""
"Your email address has changed" = ""
"Your host is restricting or blocking mail" = ""
"Your mail is being delayed" = ""
"Your mail settings should now be set correctly and you are now ready to start using the email features." = ""
"Your message has been added to the Saved Messages." = ""
"Your message is being processed." = ""
"Your new password." = ""
"Your redirection url should not have any ? or & characters. Please enter a new redirect url." = ""
"Your server does not accept connections to a different servers. System can not check for updates..." = ""
"Your unsubscription to our mailing list" = ""
"Your web host must make changes so that uploaded files have a default permission value of 755" = ""
"a unknown time. (possible timeout or error)" = ""
"addresses were purged." = ""
"allow_url_fopen" = ""
"and finished at" = ""
"and the second variable is a comma seperated string containing message codes for each list in the first string." = ""
"anywhere within the message portion of the message to have the link placed in that area." = ""
"as" = ""
"bytes" = ""
"click here" = ""
"default_charset" = ""
"default_mimetype" = ""
"delete" = ""
"disable_functions" = ""
"display_errors" = ""
"enable_dl" = ""
"error_reporting" = ""
"extension_dir" = ""
"file_uploads" = ""
"for" = ""
"has been initiated" = ""
"http://www.example.com/logo.gif" = ""
"in List" = ""
"include_path" = ""
"is a required field" = ""
"it will print out the actual message text from the two variables passed in. You can modify this code sample to better suit your needs." = ""
"log_errors" = ""
"magic_quotes_gpc" = ""
"magic_quotes_runtime" = ""
"magic_quotes_sybase" = ""
"max_execution_time" = ""
"max_input_time" = ""
"messages were sent" = ""
"messages." = ""
"mysql.allow_persistent" = ""
"mysql.connect_timeout" = ""
"mysql.default_host" = ""
"mysql.default_password" = ""
"mysql.default_port" = ""
"mysql.default_socket" = ""
"mysql.default_user" = ""
"mysql.max_links" = ""
"mysql.max_persistent" = ""
"open_basedir" = ""
"percent (%)" = ""
"pixels (px)" = ""
"please contact your main support system administrator." = ""
"post_max_size" = ""
"register_globals" = ""
"safe_mode" = ""
"safe_mode_exec_dir" = ""
"safe_mode_include_dir" = ""
"safe_mode_protected_env_vars" = ""
"seconds every" = ""
"sendmail_from" = ""
"sendmail_path" = ""
"smtp_port" = ""
"submit" = ""
"subscribers" = ""
"this page for latest message information / status." = ""
"thought you may be interested in this mailing." = ""
"upload_max_filesize" = ""
"upload_tmp_dir" = ""
##### 2006-03-27 #####
"A request to reset your password has been received." = ""
"Are you sure you want to delete all checkmarked subscribers?" = ""
"Are you sure you want to delete this autoresponder?" = ""
"Autoresponder Archive" = ""
"Autoresponder" = ""
"Stats" = ""
"This is a test message using the SMTP sending method of the email marketing program. To ensure this type of sending method is your selected sending method go to the Admin Settings > Script Settings page and ensure that the SMTP sending method is the selected sending method." = ""
"This is a test message using the Sendmail sending method of the email marketing program. To ensure this type of sending method is your selected sending method go to the Admin Settings > Script Settings page and ensure that the Sendmail sending method is the selected sending method." = ""
"This is a test message using the default sending method of the email marketing program. To ensure this type of sending method is your selected sending method go to the Admin Settings > Script Settings page and ensure that the default sending method is the selected sending method." = ""
"To confirm this request please click on the link below:" = ""
"To log into the system visit:" = ""
"Your password has been reset to:" = ""
##### 2006-05-02 #####
"Add New Bounce Code" = ""
"Add New Excluded Email Address" = ""
"Add New Subscriber" = ""
"Add email addresses to Global Exclusion List." = ""
"Add email addresses to Subscribed List." = ""
"Add email addresses to Unsubscribed List." = ""
"Auto Remind" = ""
"Auto-Remind Responders (Manage)" = ""
"Background Color" = ""
"Blocked Records" = ""
"Bounce Codes" = ""
"Bounce Type" = ""
"Code" = ""
"Create a list with the options provided in the left panel." = ""
"Current server time" = ""
"Date Format" = ""
"Description" = ""
"E-mail address is invalid." = ""
"Edit Bounce Code" = ""
"Edit Excluded Email Address" = ""
"Edit This Subscription Form" = ""
"Email Address is already on the exclusion list" = ""
"Email Address is required" = ""
"Enter Email" = ""
"Error message" = ""
"Exclusion" = ""
"Flash Subscription Form Generator" = ""
"Font Color" = ""
"Font Family" = ""
"Font Size" = ""
"Global Exclusion List" = ""
"Hard" = ""
"If this option is turned on, links on the top of admin pages will not have options beneath. Then admins will have to use only the menus on the left side." = ""
"Import was successful.
%s records in file.
%s records failed.
%s records blocked.
%s records imported." = ""
"In order to help us improve our newsletter, please let us know why you're unsubscribing:" = ""
"Input Color" = ""
"Mail Setup" = ""
"Manage Subscription Forms" = ""
"Match Month and Day" = ""
"Match Year, Month and Day" = ""
"Matching String" = ""
"Modify Custom Field again before saving." = ""
"Offset Days" = ""
"Please Choose A List" = ""
"Redirects" = ""
"Schedule?" = ""
"Soft" = ""
"Start Over" = ""
"SubMenus in Top Navigation" = ""
"Subscriber Field" = ""
"Subscription could not be processed since you did not select a list. Please select a list and try again." = ""
"System Date/Time: %s" = ""
"Thank you for confirming your subscription." = ""
"Thank you for confirming your unsubscription." = ""
"The subscriber you are trying to view is no longer on this list." = ""
"There are currently 0 Email Addresses." = ""
"There are currently 0 bounce codes." = ""
"This e-mail address cannot be added to list." = ""
"This e-mail address has been processed in the past to be subscribed, however your subscription was never confirmed." = ""
"This e-mail address has been processed. Please check your email to confirm your unsubscription." = ""
"This e-mail address has been processed. Please check your email to confirm your subscription." = ""
"This e-mail address has been unsubscribed from the list." = ""
"This e-mail address has subscribed to the list." = ""
"This e-mail address is already subscribed to this mailing list." = ""
"This e-mail address is on the global exclusion list." = ""
"This e-mail address was not subscribed to the list" = ""
"This email address is invalid" = ""
"This email address is on the global exclusion list" = ""
"This list is currently not accepting subscribers. This list has met its top number of allowed subscribers." = ""
"Time Offset (Hours)" = ""
"Use hex value with no '#'" = ""
"Your changes have been saved." = ""
"Your subscription request for this list could not be processed as you are missing required fields." = ""
"Your subscription request for this list could not be processed as you must type your name." = ""
"an unknown time. (possible timeout or error)" = ""
"http://%s/logo.gif" = ""
"mm/dd/yyyy" = ""
"yyyy-mm-dd" = ""
"yyyy/mm/dd" = ""
##### 2006-05-08 #####
"Add New Auto-Remind" = ""
"All" = ""
"Auto remind messages require a cronjob. Details in admin/modules/auto_remind/INSTALL.txt" = ""
"Auto-Remind (Manage)" = ""
"Confirmation" = ""
"Error has occurred. Your subscribers in the database are more than the trial license allows. Your trial allows 20 subscribers." = ""
"Mailing List" = ""
"Offset" = ""
"Search Options" = ""
"Select" = ""
##### 2006-05-10 #####
Warning: Could not login using those credentials. Please doublecheck your info." = ""
"A new subscriber has been added to your list." = ""
"Date/Time" = ""
"Here is the link to modify your account:" = ""
"If this was done in error, click the following link to re-subscribe:" = ""
"The sender thought the mailing entitled '%s' would be of interest to you." = ""
"This is a test message using the SMTP sending method of the email marketing program." = ""
"This is a test message using the Sendmail sending method of the email marketing program." = ""
"This is a test message using the default sending method of the email marketing program." = ""
"This message is being sent by:" = ""
"This message is to inform you that you or someone else has changed the email address for the list '%s' from %s to %s." = ""
"To ensure this type of sending method is your selected sending method go to the Admin Settings > Script Settings page and ensure that the SMTP sending method is the selected sending method." = ""
"To ensure this type of sending method is your selected sending method go to the Admin Settings > Script Settings page and ensure that the Sendmail sending method is the selected sending method." = ""
"To ensure this type of sending method is your selected sending method go to the Admin Settings > Script Settings page and ensure that the default sending method is the selected sending method." = ""
"To view the mailing, please visit:" = ""
"Your Email Address" = ""
##### 2006-06-05 #####
"Encoding" = ""
"FORCE" = ""
"Hook Group (Plugin)" = ""
"IMPORTANT TIPS: The auto remind cron will not send out messages to anyone on the day they subscribed.
Also, the cron will only run ONCE per day, even if you set it up to run more than once per day." = ""
"Import Hook" = ""
"Message Encoding" = ""
"Starting to send... (please wait)" = ""
"Warning! Once you save this form with this box checked,\\nyou will not be able to get out of demo mode through 12all.\\n\\nTo get out of demo mode, you will have to go to phpMyAdmin, click on the 12all_admin table,\\nand set brand_demo=0 for the admin row (where id=1).\\n\\nThis prevents your visitors from taking 12all out of demo mode while browsing around. " = ""
"Warning: This will force the sending of all messages due to be sent today,\\neven if this cron has already run earlier today, meaning that subscribers could get duplicate emails.\\n\\nThis is for testing purposes only.\\n\\nAre you sure you want to force auto remind?" = ""
##### 2006-06-06 #####
"This is just a label for your own internal use" = ""
"Warning: This feature is for advanced users only.
Custom headers are headers that will go in the message source, invisible to the subscriber.
You must put a colon \":\" in the header or else the email will not be sent correctly." = ""
##### 2006-06-16 #####
"AC Mailer" = ""
"Both" = ""
"Bounce Trend" = ""
"Check spam filters" = ""
"Lists per Page" = ""
"Loading" = ""
"Mailing Trend" = ""
"Messages per Page" = ""
"MySQL Error (1203). Too many mysql connections. For more information regarding this error contact your host or system administrator." = ""
"Reads Trend" = ""
"Save and Continue" = ""
"Save for Later" = ""
"Sender" = ""
"Subscribers per Page" = ""
"Subscription Trend" = ""
"Unsubscription Trend" = ""
##### 2006-06-20 #####
"Manage this field in its list only." = ""
"Mirrored" = ""
"No data Available" = ""
##### 2006-06-29 #####
"Example" = ""
"Fetch Personalized" = ""
"Or, use TEXT from my url below for the TEXT version of the message" = ""
"That will allow you to further customize your mailings outside of 1-2-All!" = ""
"This way, system will fetch that external URL for every subscriber individualy." = ""
"When this option is selected, you can use personalization tags in your URLs." = ""
"Your external script can use any of 1-2-All personalization tags to identify a subscriber in your external script." = ""
##### 2006-07-10 #####
"Add Attachment" = ""
##### 2006-07-20 #####
"Are you sure you want to delete all unconfirmed subscribers who are checkmarked?" = ""
"Average number of unique clicks per email sent" = ""
"Duplicate Records (to allow duplicates, checkmark Allow Duplicates under List Settings)" = ""
"Import was successful.
%s records in file.
%s records failed.
%s records were duplicates.
%s records blocked.
%s records imported." = ""
"Lists Limit" = ""
"Mail Limit" = ""
"Not created in this list" = ""
"Purge All Unconfirmed Before Date Entered" = ""
"Schedule Now" = ""
"This email address is already on this list. To allow duplicates, checkmark Allow Duplicates in List Settings" = ""
"Total emails sent" = ""
"Total number of clicks" = ""
"Total number of unique clicks" = ""
"Total unique links in the email that were clicked on at least one time" = ""
"Unconfirmed Emails" = ""
"Unlimited" = ""
"Users Limit" = ""
"dd/mm/yyyy" = ""
"per" = ""
##### 2006-07-29 #####
"Offset Days are applied to the current date, and then it tries to find a match with subscriber's date field." = ""
##### 2006-08-15 #####
"Add List Here" = ""
"Changes NOT saved! You must put a colon : in the header or else the email will not be sent correctly." = ""
"Subscriber Limit has been reached." = ""
"Tip: To create a Flash Form, you should first create a new form. Then you will see the option on this page to \"Generate Flash Form\". (Please see the documentation for more details.)" = ""
##### 2006-08-16 #####
"Allow send duplicates" = ""
"Allow subscribe duplicates" = ""
"Are you sure you want to delete all selected unsubscribed subscribers?" = ""
"ReSubscribe Checked" = ""
"Remove Search Filters" = ""
"Remove from Subscriber List?" = ""
"Save and Continue Editing" = ""
##### 2006-08-23 #####
"Import data into Global Exclusion List" = ""
##### 2006-08-30 #####
"Add Subscriber" = ""
"Archive/Stats" = ""
"AutoRemind" = ""
"Blocked Email Addresses" = ""
"Check for updates" = ""
"Custom Email Source Headers" = ""
"Custom Subscriber Fields" = ""
"Headers/Footers" = ""
"Integration" = ""
"Number of lists per page cannot be 0. " = ""
"Number of messages per page cannot be 0. " = ""
"Number of subscribers per page cannot be 0. " = ""
"Opt-In/Out Email Confirmation" = ""
"Redirection URLS" = ""
"Select a list" = ""
"Subscribe/Unsubscribe by Email" = ""
"UnsubscribedList" = ""
"create message" = ""
"import subscribers" = ""
"list settings" = ""
"message archive" = ""
"message queue" = ""
"scheduled mailings" = ""
"subscription forms" = ""
"view subscribers" = ""
##### 2006-09-13 #####
"Subscriber is not found on other lists" = ""
##### 2006-09-18 #####
"Daily" = ""
"Monthly" = ""
"No (one time only)" = ""
"Recurring" = ""
"Weekly" = ""
"Yearly" = ""
##### 2006-09-25 #####
"Auto-Reminder Add-On" = ""
"Auto-Responder" = ""
"Bounced Email Parser" = ""
"Database Sync Add-On" = ""
"Subscribe/Unsubscribe by email" = ""
"Unknown cronjob task" = ""
##### 2006-09-27 #####
"" = ""
##### 2006-10-06 #####
"All subscribers who submitted their e-mail address before this date but did not confirm their subscription will be removed from the not-confirmed list." = ""
"Are you sure that you would like to delete this list?" = ""
"NOTE: After purging, the e-mail address that are not confirmed before the date that you specify will be removed and are unable to be restored." = ""
"This will delete data without recovery options." = ""
##### 2006-10-24 #####
"> Next Step" = ""
"Analyzing your fields & fields destinations..." = ""
"Attempting MYSQL connection..." = ""
"Building SQL query..." = ""
"Cancel" = ""
"Checking pre-sync settings..." = ""
"Cleaning subscriber list..." = ""
"Completed!" = ""
"Could not connect: %s", mysql_error()) . '
' . _i18n("Check your mysql information and try again." = ""
"Create New" = ""
"DB Error, could not list tables" = ""
"Database Name:" = ""
"Database you wish to synchronize with" = ""
"Delete all subscribers that are not affected from the sync each time the sync runs." = ""
"Do not close this window until it says Completed." = ""
"Do not synchronize this field" = ""
"ERROR: %s", mysql_error()) . '
' . _i18n("Check your mysql database name and try again." = ""
"Ends With" = ""
"Ensure the table you selected has fields and also has data (rows)" = ""
"Error reading table.. Unable to continue." = ""
"Error with query. Unable to continue." = ""
"Error. You did not select a email field from your external database. Click back and try again." = ""
"Error. You did not select any fields to sync. Click back and try again." = ""
"External Database" = ""
"Extra users that were not part of the sync will be removed." = ""
"From (%s)" = ""
"Gathering sync information..." = ""
"Initiating sync..." = ""
"Initiatng connection test..." = ""
"It is now safe to close/change this window." = ""
"Main Sync Page" = ""
"Missing fields. Please click back and try again." = ""
"Name your synchronization" = ""
"Preparing sync from/to settings..." = ""
"Removing subscribers that did not take part in sync..." = ""
"Reset" = ""
"Return to Non-Confirmed Emails" = ""
"Run Sync" = ""
"Save / Finish" = ""
"Saving your sync to the db..." = ""
"Select One" = ""
"Select which fields you wish to synchronize to their destinations." = ""
"Signup Date" = ""
"Starting the sync utility..." = ""
"Starts With" = ""
"Success!" = ""
"Sync Complete!" = ""
"Sync Options" = ""
"Sync Test" = ""
"Synchronize Utility" = ""
"Table read successful!" = ""
"This utility may take some time to run." = ""
"To (Mailing List)" = ""
"To" = ""
"Transfer has been initiated..." = ""
"Your External Database" = ""
"Your Mailing List Field" = ""
"Your synchronization has been saved!" = ""
##### 2006-11-03 #####
"A/B Split" = ""
"A/B" = ""
"Description goes here..." = ""
"Enable A/B Split" = ""
"Error with from/to settings, fields missmatch detected. Unable to continue." = ""
"Forwards (B)" = ""
"Message A" = ""
"Message B" = ""
"Reads (B)" = ""
"Unsubscribed (B)" = ""
"Warning: This will force the sending of all messages due to be sent today,\neven if this cron has already run earlier today, meaning that subscribers could get duplicate emails.\n\nThis is for testing purposes only.\n\nAre you sure you want to force auto remind?" = ""
##### 2006-11-10 #####
"Allows to you send two different emails to your subscribers." = ""
"THIS CAN NOT BE UNDONE!\n\nAre you sure that you would like to delete the subscribers?\n\nThis will delete data without recovery options." = ""
"THIS CAN NOT BE UNDONE!\n\nAre you sure that you would like to run this utility?\n\nThis will delete data without recovery options." = ""
"Warning! Once you save this form with this box checked,\nyou will not be able to get out of demo mode through 12all.\n\nTo get out of demo mode, you will have to go to phpMyAdmin, click on the 12all_admin table,\nand set brand_demo=0 for the admin row (where id=1).\n\nThis prevents your visitors from taking 12all out of demo mode while browsing around. " = ""
##### 2006-12-27 #####
"Ability to embed images?" = ""
"Ability to schedule mailings?" = ""
"Click Here to show HTML as literal HTML code" = ""
"Embed Images" = ""
"Link to UN-Subscribe form without option to unsubscribe from multiple lists." = ""
"To link to the UN-subscribe form without giving the user the ability to unsubscribe from multiple lists, simply create a link pointing to" = ""
"Track Reads" = ""
"Your maximum attachments allowed is set to 0" = ""
##### 2007-01-15 #####
"Allow user to select lists they wish to subscribe to or unsubscribe from." = ""
"Are you sure you wish to delete these lists?" = ""
"Force user to subscribe to or unsubscribe from all lists selected above. (User will not have options for lists and will not see lists they are subscribing to)" = ""
"If left blank the system generated message will be displayed on a blank screen." = ""
"Lists successfully removed." = ""
"Message not found for sending." = ""
"Please type your friend's email address" = ""
"Send this list's confirmation email one time for all lists instead of indiviual confirmations for each list. (Optional)" = ""
"Some list could NOT be removed." = ""
"To be sent in the future" = ""
"Today's date" = ""
"You have been redirected to the only list left in system." = ""
##### 2007-02-08 #####
"2007 ActiveCampaign,Inc. All rights reserved." = ""
"Separate multiple emails by comma, semicolon or space" = ""
"So for example, lets say that today's date is 2006-10-21 and the subscriber's date field is 2005-10-17. If we want the autoremind to be sent out to the subscriber today, we would choose Match Month and Day, and then choose -4. The system will add -4 to today's date, which would make it 2006-10-17. Then it will try to match all subscribers with the same month and day of 10-17, and it would send to our subscriber today." = ""
"Subscriber ID" = ""
##### 2007-02-08 #####
"New Subscriber Added To List: %s" = ""
##### 2007-02-15 #####
"Click here to import template" = ""
"Clicked on %s unique times.", $l['clicks']) . ' ( ' . $l['percent'] . '% )
' . _i18n("Clicked by %s subscribers.", $l['people']) . '
' . _i18n("Click to Open Ratio: " = ""
"File" = ""
"Import Template" = ""
"Message Overlay:" = ""
"Must be an XML file specifically for importing into 12all." = ""
"Subscribe IP" = ""
"Turn OFF" = ""
"Turn ON" = ""
"Your template has been imported successfully." = ""
##### 2007-02-19 #####
"Click to Open Ratio: " = ""
"Filter Stats" = ""
"With Filter" = ""
##### 2007-03-01 #####
"%REPORTLINK% = a link for accessing public Message Stats" = ""
"- SEND -" = ""
"Click to Open Rate: " = ""
"Email the link to share" = ""
"From Email:" = ""
"From Name:" = ""
"Invitation Email Sent." = ""
"Invitation Email was NOT sent. Possible reason is that email sending method is not working properly." = ""
"Link to share" = ""
"Share Report" = ""
"Share this Message Report" = ""
"Shared Mailing Report" = ""
"Subject:" = ""
"To Email:" = ""
"To Name:" = ""
##### 2007-03-14 #####
"Add a new filter based on e-mail addresses NOT on a particular list" = ""
"Choose a list. If subscriber is on this list, they will not match the filter. Likewise, if they are not on this chosen list, they will match the filter and receive the message." = ""
"If you are experiencing problems with sending stalls or time sensitive events, view Cron_Setup.txt to setup the cronjobs and view the Cron Monitor to ensure they are setup properly." = ""
"Must be an XML file specifically for importing into 1-2-All." = ""
"Please view your mailing camapaign reports at:" = ""
"Sending Filter for Email Addresses NOT on a particular list" = ""
"Your template could not be imported because important data was missing from XML file" = ""
##### 2007-03-23 #####
"Add absolute user to mailing software" = ""
"Admin Users not in mailing software" = ""
"Must be an XML file specifically for importing into the mailing software." = ""
"Show Mailing Software Links" = ""
"That will allow you to further customize your mailings outside of the mailing software!" = ""
"Warning! Once you save this form with this box checked,\nyou will not be able to get out of demo mode through the mailing software.\n\nTo get out of demo mode, you will have to go to phpMyAdmin, click on the 12all_admin table,\nand set brand_demo=0 for the admin row (where id=1).\n\nThis prevents your visitors from taking the mailing software out of demo mode while browsing around. " = ""
"Your external script can use any of mailing software personalization tags to identify a subscriber in your external script." = ""
##### 2007-03-23 #####
"Autoresponder Link History" = ""
##### 2007-03-27 #####
"Add-Ons" = ""
"Auto-Remind" = ""
"DB Sync" = ""
"Email Check" = ""
"Flash Forms" = ""
##### 2007-04-12 #####
"Case Sensitive" = ""
"Check your mysql database name and try again." = ""
"Match whole word" = ""
"New subscriber Notification" = ""
##### 2007-04-27 #####
"Add Sender Personalization Tag" = ""
"Add a new filter based on e-mail addresses who have NOT read certain messages" = ""
"Choose a message or messages. If subscriber has read any of the selected messages, they will not match the filter.
Likewise, if they have NOT read any of the selected messages, they will match the filter and receive the message." = ""
"Clone Autoresponders" = ""
"Clone Templates" = ""
"Content" = ""
"Enter the text in image:" = ""
"Modify Personalization Tag" = ""
"Permissions" = ""
"Personalization" = ""
"Please type the correct text that appears in the image." = ""
"Sender Personalization" = ""
"Sending Filter for Email Addresses who have NOT read certain messages." = ""
"Use Captcha Image" = ""
"You did not provide an email subject. Are you sure you wish to continue?" = ""
"You must select at least 1 message." = ""
##### 2007-05-22 #####
"Clone Personalization" = ""
"You have a total of %d admin user spots. %d admin user spots are left and %d admin user spots have been used. You have %d report-only users." = ""
##### 2007-06-25 #####
"Add New Rule" = ""
"Add New Subscription Rule" = ""
"Automatically" = ""
"Comma" = ""
"Delimiter" = ""
"Edit Subscription Rule" = ""
"Export Emails to .CSV File" = ""
"Export Links to .CSV File" = ""
"If other, please enter here" = ""
"List Deleted" = ""
"List Subscription Rules" = ""
"Other >>>" = ""
"Pipe" = ""
"Rule" = ""
"Semicolon" = ""
"Subscribe To" = ""
"Subscribes To" = ""
"Subscription Rules" = ""
"Tab" = ""
"There are currently 0 Rules." = ""
"This is the character that separates the fields within the file. Usually this is a comma." = ""
"Unsubscribe From" = ""
"Unsubscribes From" = ""
"You must enter a delimiter in the box if you choose 'Other' for delimiter" = ""
"current list" = ""
"when subscriber" = ""
##### 2007-07-02 #####
"Export Results To File" = ""
"Export Results To Textbox" = ""
"Export Search Results Only" = ""
"Keyword" = ""
"Show on subscriber listing page?" = ""
##### 2007-07-11 #####
"Click here to delete all addresses in this entire list" = ""
"Delete addresses listed in above text box" = ""
"Remove a select list of addresses (enter emails in box)" = ""
"Remove all addresses in this entire list" = ""
"Uploaded XML file could not be parsed. Please ensure you are uploading a valid XML file." = ""
"Uploaded file has to be in XML format." = ""
"Warning: This will delete all addresses in this list and your subscriber count will be zero for this list once complete." = ""
##### 2007-07-20 #####
"Beta Sending Engine" = ""
"If you are experiencing problems with sending stalls or time sensitive events, view cron_setup.txt to setup the cronjobs and view the Cron Monitor to ensure they are setup properly." = ""
##### 2007-07-24 #####
"Send Instant Auto-Responders (works only when adding addresses to subscribed list)." = ""
##### 2007-08-03 #####
"Captcha requires GD library to be installed with PHP, and GD is not installed or enabled on your system. Please contact your web host to install or enable GD." = ""
"Try to send" = ""
"emails per minute." = ""
"using Old Sending Engine" = ""
##### 2007-08-06 #####
"Clone Headers/Footers" = ""
##### 2007-08-23 #####
"Database Sync" = ""
"Try to send a maximum of" = ""
"You did not provide an email subject.\n\nSince you are fetching a content from remote resource, the title will be populated from the fetched page.\n\nAre you sure you wish to continue?" = ""
##### 2007-08-28 #####
" and " = ""
"An email every " = ""
"Estimated Sending Speeds:" = ""
"Generate Flash Form" = ""
"Max. of emails per hour:" = ""
"Max. of emails per minute:" = ""
"Max. of emails per second:" = ""
"Server is the limit." = ""
"System will send approximatelly %d emails per hour." = ""
"Your mailing should (excluding stalling) be complete in %s." = ""
"seconds" = ""
##### 2007-08-30 #####
"Unknown response code. Please resubmit the subscription form." = ""
##### 2007-09-06 #####
"Click here to activate A/B Split plugin." = ""
"Click here to activate EmailCheck plugin." = ""
"Click here to activate" = ""
"EmailCheck plugin." = ""
##### 2007-09-14 #####
"ActiveRSS Feed" = ""
"ActiveRSS" = ""
"Add RSS Template" = ""
"Add RSS" = ""
"Add another feed..." = ""
"Are you sure that you would like to remove this RSS?" = ""
"Click here to activate ActiveRSS plugin." = ""
"Clone Custom Headers" = ""
"Current ActiveRSSs Used" = ""
"Feed URL" = ""
"Feeds" = ""
"Feeds:" = ""
"Modify RSS Template" = ""
"Please type in the RSS subject..." = ""
"RSS Added" = ""
"RSS Changes Saved" = ""
"RSS Deleted" = ""
"RSS not deleted. The most possible reason is that RSS was not found." = ""
"RSS not saved. The most possible reason is that you haven't provided any RSS feeds." = ""
"RSS not updated. The most possible reason is that you haven't provided any RSS feeds." = ""
"Save RSS" = ""
"Shorten feed contents?" = ""
"TEXT Version" = ""
"There are no RSS templates setup at this moment." = ""
"This will delete this RSS without recovery options." = ""
"Yes:" = ""
"You did not provide a RSS subject. Type it in now..." = ""
"characters" = ""
"none" = ""
##### 2007-09-19 #####
"ActiveRSS Digest" = ""
"Feeds included in this ActiveRSS" = ""
"Fetch last" = ""
"Matched %d Email Addresses" = ""
"RSS Feed" = ""
"items (if you leave this field blank or put '0', it will fetch all items since the last fetch)" = ""
##### 2007-09-25 #####
"(Leave blank not to change your password)" = ""
"(You must retype your password here if you intend to change it)" = ""
"ActiveRSS Add-On" = ""
"Add Field" = ""
"Add User" = ""
"Add Value" = ""
"Added new %s" = ""
"Admin User" = ""
"Are you sure you want to delete this field? This action cannot be undone!" = ""
"Are you sure you want to delete this user? This action cannot be undone!" = ""
"Below are custom fields for list subscribers. The set are specific to one list only; each list can have its own list of custom fields. These allow you to manage whatever data you like, however you like, per list." = ""
"Bubble content" = ""
"Changes to %s saved" = ""
"Checkbox Group" = ""
"Checkbox" = ""
"Columns" = ""
"Default Value" = ""
"Deleted %s" = ""
"Dependancy" = ""
"Dropdown" = ""
"Edit Custom Field" = ""
"Field Name" = ""
"Field Values " = ""
"Field" = ""
"From Version" = ""
"Global Users" = ""
"Label Justification" = ""
"List Box" = ""
"Mail not sent!" = ""
"Mirror this in" = ""
"Repeat Password" = ""
"Rows" = ""
"Save Order" = ""
"Sorry! Your action could not be completed because you have reached your user limit" = ""
"The ids and order numbers do not match." = ""
"To Version" = ""
"User not found." = ""
"Wizard Navigation" = ""
"You cannot create a new admin user named \"admin\"" = ""
"You cannot leave the username field empty" = ""
"You have been successfully logged out" = ""
"You have not saved your order changes." = ""
"You must retype your password" = ""
"Your password and repeated password do not match" = ""
##### 2007-10-09 #####
"Mirrored from" = ""
"Required" = ""
"View Reports" = ""
##### 2007-10-11 #####
"Error has occurred. Your subscribers in the database are more than the free license allows. Your free license allows 100 subscribers." = ""
##### 2007-10-17 #####
"RSS not saved. The most possible reason is that you haven't provided any RSS feeds or that you haven't included any of them into your mailing (by using personalization tags)." = ""
"RSS not updated. The most possible reason is that you haven't provided any RSS feeds or that you haven't included any of them into your mailing (by using personalization tags)." = ""
"This feature is disabled with test sending." = ""
##### 2007-10-31 #####
"1-2-All Password Lookup" = ""
"Are you sure you want to initiate a new mailing using this ActiveRSS template?" = ""
"Do you wish to go to a Message Queue page now?" = ""
"If you have no cron jobs setup, then please go to Message Queue in order to re-queue it." = ""
"Initialize" = ""
"Initiating connection test..." = ""
"Mailing successfully initiated." = ""
"This will push it to the sending queue right away!" = ""
##### 2007-11-13 #####
"> Next" = ""
"(Check All)" = ""
"(Default is 110)" = ""
"(Default)" = ""
"(IE: pop.example.com)" = ""
"Could not find matching file!" = ""
"Could not find requested file" = ""
"Create a list" = ""
"File not specified." = ""
"Invalid Login Information" = ""
"Startup Mode" = ""
"Test Message (Mail() Method)" = ""
"Test Message (SMTP Method)" = ""
"Test Message (SendMail Method)" = ""
"Text" = ""
"Timeout" = ""
"Today" = ""
"Total of" = ""
"at" = ""
"en" = ""
##### 2007-11-19 #####
"Update Profile (Form 1: enter email address) URL" = ""
"Update Profile (Form 2: update details) URL" = ""
##### 2007-11-27 #####
"Generated by KnowledgeBuilder - http://www.activecampaign.com/kb" = ""
"All Articles in All Categories" = ""
"Parent category to all other categories" = ""
"There are no articles in this category." = ""
"Top Level Category" = ""
##### 2007-11-29 #####
"Email: " = ""