

The Diversity In Education Fund is uniquely positioned to conduct research and analyses on diversity trends in higher education and society at-large. The Fund’s research and analysis is conducted by a team of resident staff and industry consultants under the direction of William E. Cox, President, The Diversity In Education Fund, Inc.

Back by the expertise of our sister organization, Diverse: Issues In Higher Education, and our strong ties to the higher education community and higher education professionals of color throughout the U.S., the DIEF is uniquely equipped to better identify and examine future trends and demographics at historically Black colleges and universities; research and develop successful models; assess programs and educator preparation programs at these institutions as well as traditional institutions with African American, Asian American, Latino and Native American student body and faculty; and publish the findings in appropriate formats ranging from white papers and reports to electronic releases.

Signature initiatives produced by the Fund are the annual “Top 100 Associate Degree Producers”, “Top 100 Undergraduate Degree Producers” and the “Top 100 Graduate Degree Producers.”

To learn more about our sister organization, visit